Category Archives: poetry

Projects and workshops in 2020

Now in September we are still monitoring the situation to enable us to get back to what we love doing most which is working with the community, supporting creativity across the Fylde Coast and beyond.

We are currently discussing how to safely continue our working practise while maintaining safety for our participants. It is tough times for our organisation as most of our participants do not have access to digital media platforms and our work is all about inclusive, face to face participatory arts activities. We hope to be back to it soon.

Art work made in March 2020 with participants

for a local hostel. Requested by staff.

Update April 2020
 After an email from one of our partner organisation we decided to make up ‘art packs’ for the people we have been working with as part of recent project/s. The participants of our recent projects have become even more isolated due to the current situation and we feel we must do something positive to support them while stuck indoors with very little social interaction or artistic intervention.

We would like you to use the provided sketchbooks to create art works, poems, thoughts, ideas – if possible one a day on a page or using a double page.

We thought these could be photographed or scanned when your ‘diary/ sketchbook’ is complete so that we can make an online or physical exhibition of your work that could inspire other people who may be in a similar situation to create art works as well.

Let your imaginations run wild. You can write or draw anything

For instance you could tear up this letter and rearrange the words to create a poem.

We hope to be working with you again face to face once the situation improves for everyone.

Boz and Lee April 23rd 2020
We are currently making up more packs  and would like to thank particularly Mike Mckone and others who have recently donated pens, paper and materials towards the art packs.
I would also like to thank Jean and the Granthams Art Discount team for sorting out the sketchbook orders so quickly.

Dear all early March 2020
As individuals and as an organisation we take our responsibility to the health and well being of our participants and partnership organisation seriously.

Due to the current situation with regards the Coronavirus we have taken the difficult decision to suspend all our creative activities until further notice.

We apologise for any inconvenience or disappointment this will cause to yourselves and to our participants. We feel this is a necessary precaution to undertake due to the numbers of groups and individuals across the Fylde Coast that we work with. Many of our participants are already ‘at risk’ or ‘vulnerable’ residents and community members; therefore we wish to protect them and ourselves from any possible chance of infection or risk of infection.

We were looking forward to taking our recent activities forward in support of positive community engagement however this current crisis has put these creative sessions on hold for the time being.

Last Legs – Boz and Lee wish you all the best and hope that we can continue to work with you all again in the very near future.
Thank you for all your support and understanding
Boz and Lee
Art work below made in March by family member just prior to the current ‘lockdown’ situation.

Earlier this year

In 2020 we have already facilitated 10  workshops with the community and  received notice that Glasdon have agreed to support us with funding to enable us to carry out at least one more workshop.

The artist who created the canvas above requested to have the address for suicide prevention services included here


Samaritans – for everyone
Call 116 123 – 24/7

Mental Health Helpline  – for everyone

Call 0800 915 4640 – Monday to Friday 7pm – 11pm, weekends 12 noon – 12 midnight

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) – for men
Call 0800 58 58 58 – 5pm to midnight every day
Visit the webchat page

Papyrus – for people under 35
Call 0800 068 41 41 – Monday to Friday 10am to 10pm, weekends 2pm to 10pm, bank holidays 2pm to 5pm
Text 07786 209697

Childline – for children and young people under 19
Call 0800 1111 – the number won’t show up on your phone bill, 24/7

The Silver Line – for older people
Call 0800 4 70 80 90 – 24/7

showing how the arts can help support the well being of homeless people

We would like to acknowledge our most recent grant funding from the ‘Edith Mary Clark Foundation’, and thank the trustees for awarding us £500 to continue our creative activities with local people and families on the Fylde coast.

We now envisage some of this funding to be utilised for creating art packs for families currently isolated due to the current situation.

We feel privileged to work with our community and are enabled to do so through generous funding from local  organisations.

We also continue with our project ‘Upwards and Outwards’ funded by Blackpool Coastal Housing: BCH

On March 2nd we began our creative sessions with families living at a Central Blackpool location. Sessions will be held at the New Life Church, 6 Queen Victoria Rd, Blackpool. These ‘face to face’ workshops are currently ‘on hold’ due to the current situation.

In around two weeks we hope to start back working on the large mosaic, working with local, Revoe and  Central Blackpool residents again, thanks to previous funding from the community chest, Revoe-lution funding.


Life may be tough

Things will get rough

There will be bad days and good

but if the bad days are too much

Please don’t give up

Always stand tall

Always hold your head up high

because as long as you keep moving

there will be no more goodbyes

keep moving

keep fighting

one win at a time.

Poem by G. Dunn 2020

We would like to thank Tracy – ‘Lytham Community Network’ for her recent generous donation of arts materials that will continue to help us offer free materials to participants during our workshops.

Last Legs will be working with local families by offering creative activities free to people experiencing financial hardships due to complex personal circumstances, thanks to our recent funding received from Edith Mary Clark Foundation

As always we seek to work with individuals and groups who often miss out on creative opportunities .

Festival of Stories Graffiti Workshops Lytham Park View August 2015







Lytham Festival of Stories at Park View.

3 days. Fifteen hours of workshops.

150 foot of graffiti art painted.

Over 50 artists aged between 6 and 60 years old.







Starting on Friday on the skate park walls.

Working alongside poet Mark Mace Smith.



















Poetry in motion graffiti wall













Saturday and the start of the next graffiti art piece.







Choosing colours first

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Another glorious day of stories on Sunday























































These are a selection of photographs taken by us over the three days of workshops.

A big Thank You –  to all the participants, Park View, Festival of Stories and all who came along to an amazing three days of fun in the sun.